Wednesday 13 May 2015

F.A.W. Members Preparing for the W.C.C

by Martyn Russ

With the Welsh Carp Championship fishing competition just around the corner and the first round set to kick of on the weekend both Brian Chandler and Dean Curtis, admin of Fishing Adventures Wales and Bailiffs at Hendre Lake, Cardiff, have been getting in a few hours here and there catching some lovely carp off the top in the sunny weather. With such a mild winter and warm start to spring we have seen the carp waking up earlier than usual and seem to be feeding quite confidently.

brian 2  dean 3

Knocked out in the first round last year, Brian & Dean are determined to do well during the competition this year and have been getting in as much practice as they can on their local water. Fishing Adventures Wales would like to wish them all the best and lots of luck during the comp and hope they bank some nice bug bars of gold. We will be following the competition and the results of each contestant during the next couple of months so watch this space......

brian1  dean 16.10

The welsh Carp Championship is Sponsored by Fox and many other fishing tackle and bait companies with some amazing prizes up for grabs. It is a pair competition so if you didn't manage to get entered this year then make sure you get on the list next year as is set to become bigger and bigger each year with the amazing prizes getting even better, if that’s possible!


Wet Nets & Tight Lines