Thursday 12 February 2015

Getting Ready for a New Season 2015

By Martyn Russ
Yes it's that time again when i start preparing for a busy fishing season. Last year i didn't manage to get out as much as i wanted due to illness so i decided that this year i would try and make up for it visiting a few different venues around Wales. The first thing was to ensure that i had the right tackle that will last me through the year and make sure i have plenty of spares just in case. One of the first jobs was to renew all the line on my reels to ensure the strength and not have crack offs and breaks due to old line slowly rotting after it has been used a few times. I decided to stick with Korum on my main reels and rods and opted for the 15 lb Expert line in green mono to go with my Korum KXI reels. 

On my spod rod i have opted for the Fox Horizons 20 lb Spod & Marker Braid in Silt and on my Marker Rod i have chosen the 10 lb Shimano Technium Mono as it has very little stretch and acts like braid ensuring you can feel the bottom and obstructions on the lake bed with ease. On my spare reels i had a choice between the Korda Sub line or Carp Force Stealth 15 lb quick sink mono so i filled 2 with one type and 2 spare spools with another. This will give me options to play around with at different venues depending on what the lake bottom is like and the debris you are fishing over.

I have also spent time topping up my tackle box ensuring i have a good selection of sharp, strong hooks to play around with and a selection of different types of hook link materials. This way i can chop and change my hook links to blend in with the lake bed to ensure proper camouflage so i don't spook wary fish and give me the best opportunity in catching those monsters. As far as end tackle is concerned i decided to stick with a few well known brands to ensure strength and quality such as Taska, Korda, Korum, Avid Carp, Fox and Ace. 

This will give me confidence in my rig components and ensure i am getting the best out of my tackle. The rods i am using this year are not the CK budget rods from Dragon Carp that i used during the first year. I have decided to use my Korum Distance Rods 3.5 lb TC 12 foot. These rods are great rods to use and very sensitive despite the large test curve. This will allow me to fish at greater distance than before meaning i will be able to reach those hard to get swims. The spod rod i am using is the CK Armaplate 4.5 lb tc Rod for casting large spods and for a marker i have decided to use the Nash H-Gun 2.75 tc Rod , Still stiff enough to feel the bottom and subtle enough to feel every little knock.   

I decided that this year we will be concentrating on specimen and Carp fishing so it was important i had the right gear to do the job. Also having a bit of comfort whilst fishing also helps to enjoy the sport that little bit more and with that in mind i made sure i had a comfortable bed chair for when on longer sessions and night fishing along with a good quality bivvi. This year i will be using the Korum Multi Shelter that is also a 2 man very large bivvi that will be great from spring and summer and then i will use the TF Gear Speed Force 8 2 Man bivvi that is great for winter and is very warm inside. The most important item was the barrow to ensure i manage to carry all this gear to the swims. I chose the TFGear Juggernaut Barrow as it takes very little effort to push this 3 wheel monster and with my back playing up every now and again its a blessing.

It has always shocked me on how much gear you take with you when you want to fish for Carp or larger fish for a couple of days. It wasn't until i took up that side of the sport that i realized how much gear there is just to make sure you have a comfortable and pleasurable fishing experience. With that said it is nice to go back to basics with just a rod, reel, net and landing mat and stalking out your quarry. To do this i have the Korum Mutli-Mat that is also a retaining sling, weigh sling & Landing mat all in one for those days where i just want a quick session down the local lake. For larger sessions i have the Avid Carp XL Recovery Sling and the Korum Weigh Sling to go alongside my CK XXL Cradle Mat to ensure fish safety always comes first. I can now honestly say i am all set and ready for a great year fishing and i am hoping to smash my personal bests this year. I believe preparation is half the battle and i am prepared for almost any fishing situation to arise and hopefully catch me that monster fish. 

Wet Nets & Tight Lines